Project description

The starting point for the lead project of the climate and energy model region “Das ökoEnergieland” was the fact that photovoltaic systems are already installed in many sewage treatment plants to cover the base load. The photovoltaic systems are usually dimensioned in such a way that, due to the generation characteristics, there is as little energy surplus as possible. However, this also means that the generation plants can only cover a small percentage of the total electricity demand of the sewage treatment plants.

The aim of the project was to identify load shifting potential in aggregates of sewage treatment plants, which can be used to increase the use of self-generated PV power.

Smaller sewage treatment plants without sludge digestion with an average load of 400 to 35,000 PE were considered. The real load shift potentials of the sewage treatment plants were researched, statements regarding the optimal sizes of the PV systems were made and any potential PV expansion was defined.

The most important result of the KEM lead project is the " Guideline for optimizing the use of PV self-generated electricity in sewage treatment plants by means of load shifting". This provides the sewage treatment plant operators with the necessary knowledge to identify the potential for load shifts on sewage treatment plants without sludge digestion and to use them subsequently in operation.


Project partner

  • Europäisches Zentrum für Erneuerbare Energie Güssing GmbH
  • ISG Planungsbüro
  • Nowak – Abwasserberatung
  • S&H Connect GmbH