Project description

The Upper Styrian district capital Bruck an der Mur with its nearly 16,000 inhabitants is located in the center of the industrial agglomeration Mur/Mürz Furche and is one of the most important traffic hubs in Austria.

Due to the topographical location, public facilities, residential and leisure areas of citizens, trade and tourism as well as transport infrastructure have to coexist with particularly energy-intensive companies. On the one hand, short distances and the possibilities of integrative development lead to significant advantages, but conflicts of use also arise. The decision-makers of Bruck a. d. M. are convinced that a city policy oriented towards climate protection contributes significantly to defusing these conflicts, while at the same time enhancing the quality of living, working, transport and economic areas in the long term and sustainably.

In the project a climate neutrality roadmap 2040 is developed, which serves as a targeted work program for the next years and decades. This roadmap, as a holistic vision of climate neutrality by 2040 for the areas of buildings, energy, mobility, supply and disposal as well as industry, focuses on solving conflicts of use. Participatory development, analysis of case studies for concrete implementation projects, and continuous exchange with other cities ensure the roadmap's practicability.


Project partner

  • Stadtgemeinde Bruck an der Mur