Project description

"InEnmasys Buildings" provided comprehensive results with regard to the legal, technical and economic aspects that have to be taken into account in a cross-building energy supply for different applications (business park, municipality and single-family houses).

On the basis of the theoretical considerations, it has been shown that the forwarding of PV surpluses by means of direct transmission makes sense for all three applications, as this increases the self-consumption of the PV systems and thus the profitability. The economy depends heavily on the amount of energy to be transferred.

It was found that PV systems are particularly suitable for exchanging electricity across buildings, as this technology has proven itself for all types of buildings, has high growth rates for the future and can also be operated economically. With regard to a cross-building heat exchange, the results of the profitability analyzes show that this is only economical in certain cases. In addition, the legal requirements represent a hurdle to implementation.

In the course of the project, a pilot system was installed that enables excess PV energy to be transported from one family home to another. Even if the examined technical solutions did not allow economic operation at the time of the project, numerous results and findings for further research into the problem and subsequently the development of a low-cost solution approach for the energy exchange across buildings and energy carriers could be obtained.


Project partner

  • WICON Engineering GmbH
  • IG Energieautarkie