Project description

Energy storage systems (electricity, heat, cold) play a central role in providing flexibility in Neulengbach. Electrical storage (decentralized PV electricity storage, mechanical storage, batteries for e-mobility, etc.) are linked with thermal storage options (e.g. storage mass of Neulengbach Castle). Through the use of, for example, power-to-heat technologies, heat storage systems become functional storage systems and provide additional flexibility for the energy system that is significantly higher than that achieved by simply shifting loads at the electricity grid level.

If all flexibilities were exhausted, a “virtual” storage facility with a cumulative size of at least 300 MWh could be integrated into the system in the city of Neulengbach. With this storage it is possible to compensate RES surpluses and undersupply of the higher-level energy system. This is of particular importance in Lower Austria, as it is the federal state with the highest installed wind energy capacity.

The investigation in Smarte Speicherstadt includes an energetic potential analysis, in which different possibilities for the construction of renewable energy sources were compared with one another. One focus was placed on the PV potential of Neulengbach Castle. Concepts for the installation of renewable energy sources and storage were drawn up, taking into account the high requirements of monument protection.


Project partner

  • Municipality Neulengbach
  • Burg 2025 – Personenkomitee Burg Neulengbach
  • im-plan-tat Raumplanungs GmbH & CO KG
  • Dipl. Ing. Lothar Rehse - Büro für Ecodesign und Systemforschung
  • 17&4 Organisationsberatung GmbH
  • message Marketing- und Communications GmbH