Project description

The storage of thermal energy will play an increasing role in the integration of renewable energies. Studies have shown the high potential of sorption systems, but also made clear the need for further research and development:

  • Sorption materials: insufficient cycle stability, high material costs for synthetic materials.
  • System components: insufficient heat and mass transfer for synthetic materials.
  • System integration: Not sufficiently demonstrated so far.

The novelSORP project aimed to develop a novel stationary sorption storage system. The focus was on the following aspects:

  • Novel sorption materials with high energy density and low cost compared to synthetic zeolites.
  • New system components to increase the thermodynamic efficiency through optimized heat and mass transfer.
  • Competitive specific system costs.
  • Integrated and multifunctional applications.

The novelSORP storage concept shows a very high level of innovation in relation to the state of the art. However, since no positive results could be achieved in the economic analyzes, the project was terminated prematurely.

Project Partner

  • Montanuniversität Leoben - Lehrstuhl für Thermoprozesstechnik
  • Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE
  • Spintec GmbH
  • THB Ingenieur GmbH
  • Pink GmbH
  • Kaltenegger und Partner Architekten ZT GMBH
  • Energie Service GmbH
  • Kulmer Holz-Leimbau GesmbH
  • KWB - Kraft und Wärme aus Biomasse GmbH