Project description

The subject of "MULTI-transfer" was the research of a multifunctional, bidirectional transfer station and a related integrative control strategy to increase the proportion of renewables in and the efficiency of district heating networks. On the basis of 3 application cases (solar thermal energy, heat pumps, waste heat), which have a market potential that can be realized in the short term, different variants for the hydraulic connection of renewable and alternative heat sources to heating networks and the effects of integration on the heating system were examined.

It was found that the multi-transfer station is technically feasible for the various feed sources and variants. The MULTI-transfer station enables both a heat supply and a heat supply with one and the same heat exchanger. Heat can be fed in by raising the temperature of the flow or return flow, and the return flow can also be fed into the flow. The extent to which transfer stations can be operated economically with several feed-in variants must be clarified on a case-by-case basis.

The project results also show that, in addition to clarifying open legal issues, above all the development of a business model is required that is suitable for both heating network operators and prosumers.


Project partner

  • Weizer Energie-Innovations-Zentrum GmbH
  • Hoval GmbH
  • Reinplan Planungs- und Installationsgesellschaft mbH
  • Biomasseheizwerk Weizberg reg. GenmbH
  • Reiterer & Scherling GmbH