Project description

In the “Micro-TRIGENERATION” project, a new technology was developed for the cost-effective supply of heat, cold and electricity in the low power range - from a few kW to a maximum of 100 kW. This new Schukey technology is based on a CCHP (Micro-Combined Cooling, Heating and Power) process, requires little maintenance, is user-friendly, cost-effective and can be easily added to existing heating systems. The project not only dealt with laboratory experiments, but also carried out a test operation in the intended area of application.

A general structure was developed for the Schukey system to allow easy adaptation for various applications. This setup is called "Schukey Rig" and has defined interfaces. The necessary connections to the environment exist to a measurement and control system (including power supply), steam supply, cooling circuit, fresh water and a drain.

The market potential and the return on investment were initially assessed for areas of application in which the attractiveness of Schukey technology is highest and the market entry barriers are lowest: waste heat recovery in CHP systems (including tri-generation) as well as solar energy systems (power and cooling systems).

Project Partner

  • Hochschule Hannover
  • THERMODYNA Maschinen- und Anlagen GmbH
  • Lokale Energieagentur – LEA GmbH
  • Energy Changes s.r.o