Project description

In the HEATflex project, a both technical and economic strategy is being developed to increase the competitiveness of CHP systems and district heating power plants by providing flexibility. With regard to centralized heat generation, CHP and directly coupled heat pumps, with regard to decentralized heat generation, the integration of prosumers by means of suitable transfer stations are taken into account.

Various aspects (suitable operating conditions, dimensioning and selection of components, control concepts, business models, etc.) with regard to the respective framework conditions in Denmark and Austria are examined.

The following results will be available at the end of the project:

  • An Excel tool that shows the (positive) effects of integrating renewable energy sources.
  • An Excel tool for calculating the economic benefits of reducing network temperatures.
  • A guideline for increasing the efficiency and flexibility of district heating networks.


Project partner

  • PlanEnergi
  • energy Cluster Denmark
  • Viborg Fjernvarme
  • Güssing Energy Technologies GmbH
  • Reiterer & Scherling GmbH
  • Regelungs-Verteilerbau GmbH