Project description

A blackout is not just a (Europe-wide) lack of power, but the collapse of almost all supply infrastructures. Telecommunications (mobile, landline, internet), transport and logistics, fuel supply, water supply and sanitation, finance, production etc. are affected.

On behalf of the Styrian Civil Protection Association, a workbook was drawn up to provide municipalities with the best possible support in preparing for a blackout.

The workbook, which is available both as a print version and as an online version, provides the municipalities with answers to the following key questions:

  • Which areas of life are affected by a blackout?
  • Which municipality-specific problems can be expected in the individual areas?
  • What measures can the municipality take or prepare?
  • In which topics, which are not in the responsibility of the municipality, is coordination work necessary?

The workbook consists of sven major topics:

  • Own provision by the population
  • Communication during a blackout
  • Water supply and sanitation
  • Emergency health care
  • Crisis management
  • Emergency food supplies
  • Other facilities and topics

Each topic is divided into areas that are important for municipalities in terms of blackout prevention (eg emergency fuel supplies, self-help bases, etc.). Goals are formulated for each area, the achievement of which leads to the best possible preparation. 

Project partner

  • LEA GmbH
  • Herbert Saurugg